quarta-feira, março 07, 2007

8o. Simpósio de Jornalismo Online, da Universidade do Texas

A Universidade do Texas vai promover o oitavo Simpósio Internacional de Jornalismo Online. Serão 2 dias de debates e palestras com editores, executivos e estudantes de diversos lugares com o olhar sobre as transformações que estão ocorrendo no universo do jornalismo online.

O Simpósio é organizado pelo prof. Rosental Calmon Alves que criou o simpósio em 1999.

Para conferir a programação é só clicar aqui !


Thank you for visiting the Web site of the International Symposium on Online Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. You will find here a unique and rich repository of information on the progress of Online Journalism, with comments and insights from professionals and scholars who have been working on the frontlines.

Since 1999, editors, producers, executives, and academics from around the country (and lately from around the world) have gathered in Austin every year (except 2000) to discuss the evolution of this new genre of journalism. The Symposium has been a small, but very intense conference that serves as a barometer for the state of Online Journalism.

On this site, we publish all the transcripts (and some video) of the past symposia, which involved the participation of Web sites for publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times and The Chicago Tribune. Participants also have included MSNBC.com and AOL.com, and institutions such as Jupiter Research and ABC Interactive.

In 2003, the Symposium became international, attracting participants from Europe, Asia, and Latin America. In 2004, a second day was added and we went from an exclusively industry-oriented event, to an academic/research conference as well. Professors from several universities help in the blind review process for the selection of research papers that are submitted by graduate students and faculty from around the world and presented at the symposium.

Visit again for updates about the next Symposium (2007). Come to Austin to participate or you can attend virtually -- because we usually Webcast the conference live.


Professor Rosental Calmon Alves,
Knight Chair in Journalism &
UNESCO Chair in Communication at the University of Texas at

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